Entrepreneur for a day
Sept 2013
Omnia, 9:00
We organized the “Entrepreneur for one day” event in Omnia on September, 3rd, 2013, in Leppävaara Campus. There were 15 students, three teachers and a Youth Ambassador Ms Aicha Manai from Economic Information Office. Omnia ́s students Eve Fagerlund, Jenna Fagerlund & Rebecca Koskine introduced their YE-business “Autot puhtaaksi” and their first custom-case, Sini Nykänen told about I can I cannot I go! –project and the Village game. The teachers talked about their experiences. The students did also video cd:s that they can use later. The students also created Facebook-pages for “I can, I cannot, I go!” for the use of the students and teachers involved in the project.
Responsible persons of the project in Omnia:
- Ms. Sini Nykänen (sini.nykanen@omnia.fi): localization of the game into the Finnish educational context, testing the game in Omnia, learning and teaching aspects related to the game
- Ms. Kati Valtonen (kati.valtonen@omnia.fi): administrative issues, coordination of the work.
Omnia, The Joint Authority of Education in Espoo Region is a multisector joint authority of education offering vocational training at 11 locations around Espoo area. With nearly 10 000 students and 700 staff, Omnia is one of Finland ́s largest vocational institutes. Omnia offers vocational training to young people and adults who have completed comprehensive school or have passed the matriculation examination. The range includes twenty vocational qualifications, dozens of vocational and special vocational qualifications, extension and career training, apprenticeship training and youth workshops.