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I Can... I Cannot... I Go!





Entrepreneur for a day

5 June 2013

Terrasini Palermo

Città del mare Hotel Village SS113 Km 301, 100, 90049 Terrasini Palermo


 5 June 2013 Wednesday
13:30 Light Lunch
9:30 Arrival at the hotel
9:45 Opening Session -
Mrs Iole Candido, Confindustria Palermo – project manager
10:00 Entrepreneurs tell their stories -
Mr. Grazia Clementi, President of Med Europe Export Consortium. Entrepreneurs of Confindustria Palermo and leaders of the business world talk about their experiences and answer to students' questions.
11:30 Students business idea -
The students of the Institute for the Tourism M. Polo of Palermo communicate their experiences and describe their business idea.
12:30 Award Ceremony -
Grant of certificates to the students who participated with profit in the experimentation.
13:00 Conclusion -
Mr. Mario Allegra, CNR- ITD scientific project head