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I Can... I Cannot... I Go!





Confindustria Palermo

Confindustria Palermo is an association of industrialists belonging to the largest organization representing the Italian industry. It therefore guarantees a strong presence at national and regional level. Its most important functions are representation and the protection of the interests of 615 associates. It also promotes and encourages industrial development in the Province of Palermo, through innovation actions related to a local production system.

Web Site

The mission of Confindustria Palermo is to "boost solidarity and cooperation between entrepreneurs of the province in a development perspective and in the respect for civil and social conscience, ethical and moral values of competition and of private enterprise". Confindustria Palermo represents associated companies in dealings with the authorities and Administrations, economic organizations, political, and social union. It also conducts studies, research, debates and conferences. It offers to the associates the following services: internationalization, relations with research, knowledge of laws and funding, distribution of instruments of collective bargaining, aid to respect for environmental standards, promotion of instruments of conciliation of life Vocational Training.