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I Can... I Cannot... I Go!





OMNIA, Training and educational Centre

Omnia organizes Secondary Vocational Education (3 yrs) and Preparatory Training for Competence-Based Qualifications in the following branches: Culture, Business&Management, Technics, Social&Health and Catering, Tourism and Economy.

Web Site

The number of staff is 700 and number of students is c. 10 000. Omnia functions at five different units: Omnia Vocational College, Omnia Adult Education Centre, Omnia Apprenticeship Training Centre, Omnia Youth Workshops and InnoOmnia centre for innovation and entrepreneurship. Omnia is powerful regional actor in Uusimaa region and internationally known partner. Omnia co-operates closely with towns, chamber of commerce and trade unions. Omnia communicates closely through councils with firms, associations and organizations of labour market. Omnia is strongly involved in network between VET providers and Finnish National Board of Education. Omnia has participated in many international projects as coordinator and partner and participates in many ECVET projects.