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PNPV2 morem...grem





The activities of this WP are:

  • Selection in each country of the target groups to engage in the testing: students, trainers/coaches/counselors, and business associations/enterprises (mentors).
  • Short training action targeted to trainers and enterprise owners/managers (two meetings) and their expected roles during the testing: trainers are asked to coach and support students during the self-evaluation guidance model and during the e-learning modules, while the enterprises’ owners or managers will be called to be mentors, through the on-line tools (forum).
  • Testing of the guidance tool and the training modules in each partner country (students’ target number to be defined):
    • In Italy: in Palermo the targets of the transfer action are teachers/students of Secondary Technical Schools(min. 40 students); in Rome the targets of the transfer action are immigrant young students of the 1° CTP (Permanent Territorial Centre) Read More...
    • In Finland: the targets of the transfer action are students of the Training and educational Centre OMNIA (min. 20 students).
    • In Spain: the targets of the transfer action are students of IES MURILLO and IES FEDERICO MAYOR ZARAGOZA (min. 30 students).
    • In Slovenia: the targets of the transfer action are students of training and educational centre of the regional network of Regijska razvojna agencija severne Primorske d.o.o. Nova Gorica (min. 15 student).
  • Reporting of the Testing action. Description of result
  • Joint plan of the Testing phase: selection, train the trainers and test with final users with a common grid for the monitoring data collection.
  • Report of the Testing phase (qualitative/quantitative assessment): selection, train the trainers and test with final users.